Monday, October 29, 2007

Memory Verse Monday!

First of all, now I have two friends on here with the name of Karen. They are both wonderful and I am sure I will be referring to them often. My New Zealand friend Karen, has started something new, and I am going to give it a go for a few weeks and see if you all are enjoying it.

She has started Memory Verse Mondays (click on the title for details). We are all invited to consider a verse to meditate on, and apply in our lives for the week. And share how and why with each other. We learn so much from the shared experiences of each other, it makes the Word more alive and even easier to understand, when we talk about what it looks like in our lives.

My verse for this week is Romans 12:1. This verse is something I meditate on quite frequently. It is something I fall short of daily. But, I don't give up. I have a blog friend who inspires me by the discipline she has over her body in diet. And another one who is an example, in exercise. These are HUGE weaknesses for me right now and I know that keeps me back from God's best for me. Well, I heard a teaching message last night that made this verse and some related verses a "rhema" word to me. It was so exciting! Then this morning the Bible verse that updates on my site at 12:01 am every night, guess what! Today it is Romans 12:1! It just jazzed me so much, because I know God was saying, "I know your heart, I know what you desire, I have put that desire there, and I WILL work in you to help this manifest, as you lean into me."

I am not limiting God, I am agreeing with Him. I will allow this Word to grow on the inside of me as I purpose to focuse on it, and let it speak to me in new ways day by day.

I like the Amplified Bible's translation for everything, so I will close with that. I hope Ya'll enjoy it!
  • I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.

When I can figure out how to put the Mr Linky box here I will add it. That way whoever wants to can see others who are participating and add yourselves as well. I have no clue right now how to do that and will have to study up!


Mary said...

Beautiful verse. I'm glad you are participating.

Blessings for the coming week.

A Captured Reflection said...

I love this verse too! As one who battles on the exercise and diet front daily, I hear you. I lost 21kg this year (49 pound) and exercise by running for up to an hour a day, but I am rather partial to marshmallows! It's a daily sacrifice - but running on the treadmill is a cool time for praying too.

luvmy4sons said...

You CAN do it girl. Or rather God can do it through you. And just so you know, no matter what discipline you finally bring into line there are always others that you struggle with. I exercise six days a week, and yes, I am a vegan BUT I STILL don't floss every day! LOL! Love ya!

She Rose Up said...


Thanks for popping over! I will be seeing you!


Wow!You have done wonderfully! Do not grow weary! Keep on keepin' on! I am taking it one day at a time right now, looking to a good goal!

Thanks for the encouragement! I gotta win, 'cause I am not going to quit!

Denise said...

I really love this verse, bless you.

She Rose Up said...

Hi, Sandy!

I hope you do join! It think it is a great way to start the week! This verse is making a mark in me for the good! I think it's great that we can share & pray for each other during the weeks. We get so much done that way!

Hope you are enjoying your new laptop! What a great hubby you have!


Thanks for stopping by. I am really purposing to grab this verse and keep it!

Thanks for coming over, you all!

I will be seeing you at your respective places!


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What Does it Mean Anyway? "Free to Fly"...

Well, it's like this: Here are some of the Webster's Dictionary definitions of Free: a : having the legal and political rights of a citizen b : enjoying civil and political liberty c : enjoying political independence or freedom from outside domination d : enjoying personal freedom : not subject to the control or domination of another2 a : not determined by anything beyond its own nature or being : choosing or capable of choosing for itself...having a scope not restricted by qualification 7 a : not obstructed, restricted, or impeded ...Now, here are some of the Webster's Dictionary definitions of Fly:1 a : to move in or pass through the air with wings b : to move through the air or before the wind or through outer space c : to float, wave, or soar in the air ... a : to take flight ...6 : to work successfully ...Examples which apply from Websters: fly high : to be elated - fly in the face of or fly in the teeth of : to stand or act forthrightly or brazenly in defiance or contradiction of

What does this mean in my life? This means that in life we are meant to be free. While historically mankind has not always enjoyed the opportunity to fully appreciate what that means, we are so indescribably fortunate as to live in a time of the greatest spiritual, physical, financial and political freedom ever known. Freedom doesn't come cheap, nor does it come easy. But the best things in life don't come that way do they? As I write this I am struck by how this sounds like a political statement, and for me this is much more of a spiritual thing, but, same goes for that (political that is). Freedom doesn't come easy. And it's worth whatever fight you have to make to overcome in your life in order to live a life that succeeds. Now the questions is - what is success for you? What is your standard? In my mind what is needed is a definite target - because you can't hit and maintain a moving target. A stable, rock-solid, anchor with no variable, yet multi-faceted. Something pure, just and worthy. If you look at any web page of news you can see that our society is certainly lacking in this area. What a great time to live as a rebel! Nowadays to be a rebel, all you have to do is be willing to engage in the battle of life, while anchored to Christ!